Monday, June 14, 2010


I could not think of a worse way to spend my time. I think it is entirely bizarre that people are so attracted to this. Do they really care what their friends, celebrities or random strangers are doing at any given time? And do people think they are so important that others actually care to follow their day "tweet" by "tweet"? When I first heard of twitter I thought it was to rival Face book, then when I found out what it actually was I thought this craze would pass very quickly. Unfortunately it looks like it is here to stay! I can't count how many times in a day that I hear or read "follow us on twitter". I hope that I will never succumb to the world of Twitter, and if I feel the need to "tweet" I will pick up the phone and call someone.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Library Thing

The site was fairly user friendly, the intro was short and to the point, it was easy to understand the general idea behind Library Thing. The site had a lot going on which made it visually difficult to find what you wanted to do. It looks like once you become familiar it will be an easy site to navigate, just at first sight it appears to be quite busy.

Google Calendar

Another very useful product from google! I wish I had known about this before! I was the volunteer coordinator for my sons kindergarten class, and this would have really helped me organize the volunteers. Other parents would have be able to look on the calendar add there names to events or classroom volunteering, and would have been able to see which spots we had filled already, instead of having to email me and then have me notify the teacher. I think I will try to use this in the future as it seems to have many uses. I will still have my big calendar on the fridge that I can look at every morning to help us stay organized during the week, I'm not ready to let this method of organization go yet.


As a whole I find this site quite useless, as it is filled with so many videos of people who seem to be craving there five minutes of fame. Saying that, there is also some really entertaining videos out there that are fun to watch. There are also some great tutorials on YouTube, which I have found useful in the past when written instructions and diagrams were just not enough.


Wow! this is my favorite tool by far! what a quick and simple way to access information. RSS makes it quick and easy to stay up to date with news, weather, books etc. I will be using this in the future. It took me a couple tries to figure out how it works, but with a little more practice it seems like it will be a simple tool to use.


I love google I think it offers so many valuable products. Google Universe is amazing, I still find it hard to comprehend that I can zoom in on a place anywhere in this world.
For me though my favorite Google product is Google translate, I use it often to translate my son's school work, he is taking French immersion. I imagine this tool with continue to be extremely valuable to me in the coming years as I brush up on my own French.


I have been on Facebook for a number of years, I have always found it a useful way to keep in touch with friends and family. I enjoy seeing new pictures and updates from friends that I would not see on a regular basis. I used to travel so I love being able to see what friends are up to on the other side of the world. It is also a great way to reach many people at the same time.